WiRL is an attempt to write a simple ReST library in Delphi using the new features of the language (such as generics, anonymous methods, attributes, record helpers and so on). It's inspired by the JAX-RX specification, the "de facto" standard in the Java world to build a ReST API.
The main feature of WiRL is the mapping of any class in a web resource using some attributes.
TCustomerResource = class
function SelectCustomers: TCustomerList;
function InsertCustomer(ACustomer: TCustomer): TCustomer;
Every class decorated with the [Path]
attribute and registered in the TWiRLResourceRegistry
is a web resource associated with a specific path. The input parameters of the methods are read from the HTTP request, WiRL try to find the right parameter value using some built-in attributes: [PathParam]
, [QueryParam]
, [BodyParam]
and many others. Then inject the correct value into the parameters. If the parameter type is an object WiRL try to build the object using a Message Body Reader a special customizable class factory. The result type is handled in the same way but with a Message Body Writer.